Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hump Day Humor ... Did y'all miss me?

I know, I know. Bad blogger! New job ... home remodel ... adjusting to ... blah, blah, blah. There was just no motivation for new material, so I took a time out.
I am loving my job (more on that to come, as I have to show you my new big-girl office attire), the house is now back to normal (of course, I will show y'all pics), and I have soooo many products that I have reviewed and need to let you all in on.
But for now ... a little humor for your day. I am still addicted to Pinterest, that's where I found these funny little notes. If you want to follow me over there, the link is in my sidebar. I will follow back. ♥
Happy Wednesday!!
 I am what I eat ...
 Fo' Shizzle.
 Ha ... now that's funny!
 Just Sayin'
Yup, just turn it down a notch.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hello Luvahs

What a fun and exciting year this has been so far!
Sorry to keep y'all on the back burner for the last couple weeks. I have been blessed with a new job opportunity and have been quite busy getting used to this new schedule.

February is already upon us ... how did that happen so fast?!? How many of you out there celebrate the Day O' Love? Before some of you start bashing on the Holiday of Hallmark, and hollerin' about how you don't need a calender day to appreciate your loved ones ... this is one time of year that my hubby and I have always made a little extra special.
Since we started dating back in January of 1999, and every year since, Tim and I think it is fun to have a day set aside to get all dressed up, no matter what day of the week it happens to fall on, make special dinner plans, and spend a few hours celebrating Valentine's Day. Do we love each other any more or any less on any other day of the year? Of course not! But will we snag the grandparents to watch the boys while we enjoy a night out, without Happy Meals or bickering kids? Call it whatever holiday you want - and count us in!
My man and I don't go all out in the gift department for this event like we used to before life with kids. I am so over expensive jewelry (Forever 21 - holla!!), and flowers never last when I forget to water them. Give this girl a steak and a fancy mixed drink, and I am one happy girl!
We keep our tokens of love on the cheap.
Jewls215 knows just what a gal like me would love to unwrap on Love Day! How cute are these wood signs?!? I received the 'Believe' sign back in December when Jewls215 participated in my annual holiday event here on I loved the personality it added to my home and was so sad to have to wrap it up when Christmas was over.

So which one do I have my eyes on?
Being my man and I are HUGE Duck Dynasty fans, I will be snagging this one! I have the perfect spot for it in my kitchen, and every time I see it, I smile just thinking of the Roberstson clan!
If y'all are looking for a simple, yet unique gift for your sweetie, please take a peek at what Jewls215 has in their Etsy shop! Shipping is quick and the service is friendly! Let them know I sent you!

A Fond Farewell ...

Wow! Is December already upon us? Good golly this year has flown right by! I have been a busy girl lately, hence the blog break. Unfortu...