Since getting a part-time job, my insomnia woes have been cured! I am EXHAUSTED! I am scheduled 4 days a week, weeknights and weekend shifts, but I am also still a momma and a homemaker. I no longer have any trouble sleeping at night!

There are good days and there are bad days ... I think I may be getting ready to cut my hair.

Laundry still hasn't learned to do itself, so my days at home consist of a lot of this lovely chore!

Working at a gym has kicked my
bootay back into gear. I am eating better and (gasp!) working out. In fact, I even met with one of our trainers, and I am in pain as I type. It's all good though.
In 10 more days, my 3 boys and I will be packed and off to sunny California ... I can't wait!
Happy Hump Day!!
awh, hang in there, but cut your hair?? really?? how short?
I love those shoes in the bottom picture! I've always loved wedges. I have 2 pairs I wear regularly and one pair that are a little too high to walk in.
@ xo, Kate @keeping up w/the Moreland's - A haircut isn't necessarily a bad thing. And you don't always have to go short, just a change of hairstyle can sometimes do wonders.
now Ill be the only insomniac left!
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