In all honesty, I would love to go as Bella Swan, but I can rock my jeans any old day of the week, and Tim refuses to go as the vampire I so adore. We thought of going as Snooki and Pauly D, but I could pass more for Sammi and nothing really sparkles about her. Anyone have any other ideas for me?? Who is dressin' up this year??
I'm not a fan of the sluttastic costumes on Halloween. Most would be just as cute paired with leggins or something as well.
I'm going as a Merlotte's waitress from True Blood. :)
I love the second one!!
I keep saying if I find a reason to dress up Ill be Snooki!
I wish I was going to a Halloween party but my hubby is working and my friends aren't as fun as yours haha!
You could totally pull off Bella! You've got the hair and everything...maybe you should go w/ some red contacts and be Breaking Dawn Bella?! :)
I wanna dress up this year and go trick or treating. I'm short so I can get away with it. But I have to find something with a mask so that I don't go to someone's house and they recognize me.
anything pop culture works for me. i'm not into the regular skankabrona costumes but that's just me.
I ♥ the flapper one!!! It's super cute and sexy !!
I'm going as Miss Sookie Stackhouse. I personally hate slutty costumes. The cop girl is pretty cute though.
I am going as the queen bee and my little girls are going to be my honey bees! The outfit is super short and a bit slutty lol so I am wearing a pair of cute leggings underneath to make it more appropiate! I like the cop outfit for you! The schoolgirl is real cute too but I like that for the bedroom heehee!
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