Rave ... Breaking Dawn (Part I) is only 195 days away! That may seem long to many, but to those of us who are obsessed with The Twilight Saga, this is a very exciting sight to see on our countdown clocks!

Rant ... I have read several posts here in blog land of the lack of comments on blogs. I am feeling this and have for some time now. This saddens me. There is nothing like taking time out to blog about a topic of interest, and get no feedback in return. And I find it annoying when I comment on other blogs and instead of getting return comments on my own blog, I get an email with a short reply to my original comment. {Sigh.} I do appreciate the time that was taken to reply to my comments (THANK YOU!!), however, it is common courtesy to return the comment favor.
I cannot tell you how many times I have debated on the future of my blog - what direction I want it to go in, how much longer I want to do this, etc ... I know several bloggers are feeling this way, too. I know I am not the only one. I hope this slump ends quickly.

Rave ... I traded my Blackberry for an iPhone 4. Let's just say that it is WAY COOL!! I am having fun playing around with it and learning all there is to know about these smart little gadgets.

And the winner (picked by good ol' random.org) of the Too Faced Lip Injection Giveaway is ...

Summer!! Congrats girly ... it was actually your vlog review where I first learned of this plumper! Send me your address (
aprilbaker23@yahoo.com) and I will get this right off to you!
Happy Friday!!
breaking dawn...i c a n t w a i t!!!!
i traded my bb for the 4g evo for sprint, i miss a few bb features but for the most part i love the new phone. i do however want to switch to an iPhone in January, the monthly cost is what keeps me away from att+verizon, oh wells
i feel you on the comments thingy, it is a bit saddening but at least i know i did it for myself and force myself to be content. glad you're able to publicly display your feelings, i'm too shy to talk about it!
here's to a long bloggie life!
I too LOVE my iphone4!!
Can't wait for Breaking Dawn!!
I am thinking of getting the Iphone4. I am due for an upgrade but just haven't done it yet.
Hope the blogging slump ends...cause I love reading your blog!
I'm feeling the lack of comments too but I try not to get too offended. Of course it's sad to just get a couple comments on something you put your heart into but it is how it is! Even if you go around commenting on others blogs it doesn't mean you will get it in return. Just know that I still love your blog! :-)
A lot of people don't seem to be commenting. They blame it on reading blogs in Google Reader. I get that. I do. But it doesn't take that much longer to open the window and comment.
I'm so ready for Breaking Dawn!
I don't know how I ever lived without my iPhone, they are so much fun!
Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!!!
I think the comment slump comes around towards the beginning of every summer. People are spending less time indoor in return getting less computer time.
I can tel you 90% of my computer times comes during work hours. If I'm busy at work= less time to play around. Since I stare at a computer screen all day at work, I don't want to spend all my time at home sitting behind my computer. I want people to know I appreciate their comments, so it is much easier to return by commenting via email since most of us have cellphones that go every place we do.
When it comes down to it, all us bloggers love comments, both giving and receiving. It's important to keep the reader interested and drawn into your blog. I know, I for one, am less likely to click on a link to leave a comment if it doesn't seem to interest me. The title of the post is key! Since everyone is busy during the summer and tend to visit less, try to think of a way to keep readers coming back.
Have a great day!!
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