Friday, August 28, 2009

Now I see ...

It took me for-evah, but now I finally get the big deal on the Twilight books ... Oh-Em-Gee!!!

I needed to give myself a bit of a break between watching the movie and sitting down with the book. I tried starting this series immediately after drooling over the big screen, and then again after watching the DVD, but for whatever reason I just couldn't get into the words on paper.

So, I packed my book up and carried it off to the beach this last weekend, determined to give it another shot. Sure enough, I couldn't put the book down!!! In just 2 short days, I read through the entire book!!

I am so excited to start New Moon, but I am a bit concerned. Being I saw Twilight in movie form first, I couldn't be disappointed (like the book fans were) at the out-of-place details that Hollywood added and/or omitted. I can hardly contain myself with the excitement of New Moon coming out in November ... so do I dare continue reading in the series?


Melissa K. said...

I know what you mean. I wonder about that too. But I was unable to resist temptation, and just went ahead and read the whole series. And I have to say, I LOVE them!

Jules said...

Welcome to the addiction! I definitely think that it's worth it to read New Moon before the movie comes out. I am not a big reader (starting to get more into it), but the whole series was such an easy read and I couldn't wait to get to each book.

I read Twilight on my honeymoon last October and couldn't wait to get my hands on New Moon!

Lucy Marie said...

Oh I know what you mean. Now you might want to wait until after the movie comes out to keep reading. I think it's in November, which isn't too bad. But ... will you be able to wait that long to read the third and fourth?

Anonymous said...

Oh, girl! Welcome to the addiction :) After watching the movie, I read the entire series in a week! Once I started, I couldn't put them down! New Moon was a little slow to me, but Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are FANTASTIC!

Nicole said...

I started reading the first book in the beginning of August and just finished the 4th book, and I LOVED the series. I watched the movie the other night and also LOVED it. It's funny because I was so annoyed with all the press it was getting and finally broke down and read it. So glad I did.

Molly said...

I need to start reading these like now. I got Tori Spellings book for the plane ride and I read it before I even left. Whoops.

Dana said...

I think I was the last one on this planet to see Twilight...just over a month ago. And I immediately went out and grabbed the book. I am now close to finishing Breaking Dawn. I couldn't put any of the books down. I would recommend reading them. But that is just my personal though. I can't wait for New Moon to come out!

A Fond Farewell ...

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