Summertime is here (well, the calender says so, but Oregon weather still hasn't gotten the memo), which means school is out and comments are down. It is time to get outside and enjoy the heat (hopefully it will arrive here soon)!! I will drop down to 3 posts per week here on my blog - Music Mondays, What's Up Wednesdays, and Fashion Fridays. My Wednesday posts will be my miscellaneous days where you'll find product reviews, celeb gossip, giveaways, cocktail recipes, and ramblings of my week. I hope you all continue to peek in and say hi ... summer schedules definitely get a bit busier, so I will be keeping things light and fun around here!
Check in tomorrow for my Fashion Friday post ... I think I am going to dress like it is 85 degrees (it is currently 52 degrees & raining) and maybe - just maybe - the weather fairies will make the sunshine happen!
A girl can only hope.

52 degrees outside.. YUCK!
Congrats on 2 years and Happy Blogaversary!
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