Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sookie, who?

The only Sookie I have ever been aware of was the bubbly little bff of Lorelei Gilmore. I have heard of True Blood, but never jumped on that bandwagon ... until my recent vacation. Being the HBO series is such a hit, I thought I'd grab a copy of Dead Until Dark to see what the big hype was all about.


Now the question is ... do I start watching the True Blood series before I have finished the books? Your thoughts please!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVED the books. I can't say the same about the series -- I'm still undecided about it. If you decide to watch the show and read the books at the same time, it doesn't matter because the storyline doesn't really match up.

Rachel said...

O.M.G. I love these books! They are so easy and fun to read! The TV show is "loosly based" off the books I'd say. The general plot is the same but they are a lot of add-ins and changes I dont care much for. Does that stop me from watching? no. But, my husband thinks its rather annoying when I am always saying "but in the book..."

I would deff read the books first, at least read the ones that "go with" the current season. 1 book = 1 season (so far)

Dezzy Lou Where Are You said...

I havent read any of the books- Erin (A Real Housewife) has been bugging me to do so. Apparently there are a lot of differences in the two!

TLF said...

Love, love True Blood!! I've watched since day 1!! However, I could never get into the books. But I've heard they are different from the show.

Faerie Goddess said...

April, I adore this series! I read them 1 a day until I was done and couldn't wait to watch True Blood. I have since watched the series (which I own if you would like to borrow them) and am up to date on the 3rd season. I am enjoying True Blood a ton, and since it is "loosely" based on the book, it is still full of surprises.

Anonymous said...

I've read three books and watched three seasons. So far, I haven't read ahead. The show varies a lot from the books so you won't be lost if you start watching now. Seriously... start watching now!

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