It's official ... y'all are addicts. Straight-up, bonafied, call-it-what-it-is, Starbucks OBSESSED! Look at all those entries!! So very exciting to see I am not alone in this world with my love of the over-priced, but deeply adored coffee chain.
Before I announce the winner, I have to give a shout-out to a couple yummy-sounding orders that I am definitely going to have to try!
Guilty of Gossip loves a
Caramel Apple Cider with whip and caramel drizzle {YUM} and
hotpants adores the
Signature Salted Hot Chocolate {salty-sweet? sign me up}!!
All of the re-posts and shout-outs were incredible!! Thank you so very much!! The more new followers and friends I make, the more giveaways and freebies you will see here on dot...dot...dot... !!
And now for the winner of the $20 Starbucks Gift Card ... this gal Facebooked and Tweeted for her extra entries!!
who loves Grande Breve Lattes!!
Congrats!! Be sure to email me (
aprilbaker23@yahoo.com) your mailing address so I can get your gift card right out to you!!
Thanks again for all the participants in this month's Fall Giveaway Event!! I have a few more giveaways lined up for the next couple months, so be sure to keep checking in!!
Lots of Love!!