I had heard the hype around blogs and Facebook, but I was never interested in such an adventure-packed story that didn't involve sparkly vampires. I never paid attention to the movie trailers that are on TV or in the theaters for the March 23rd premiere. Then my hubby asked if I had read the books yet, to which I replied "eh, they just don't interest me." Shopping at Costco last week, the trilogy was all boxed up, tempting me with a fabulous Costco price - I mean, who could pass up 3 hardcover books for under $30?

Let's just say, I cannot put this book down! I am hooked and I am only half-way through.
Have you read the series yet?
(Please no spoilers.)
I have not read it yet .. I seen the previews on tv and such and wanted to see the movie. I may have to check these books out.
Best series since Twilight, hands down!
I was late on the bandwagon too. I read them last fall. The first book is the best of the three, but the whole series is very good. Even my husband read and liked them! I can’t wait for the movie!
I read them like 2 or 3 years ago for the first time and have read them a couple times since then :) Love them!
I read them as they came out... love love love. I can not wait until the movie premier!!
I've been hearing the hype too but for some reason, I just couldn't get interested. Then last night I saw a preview at the movie theatre and now I wanna see it!
I'm so glad you jumped on the bandwagon. Loved them!
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