Channeling my inner Snooki, I am rockin' this fun cheetah shirt that I found at H&M for $5.95!

It is a stretchy cotton ... perfect to layer with the tights that I got at Target.

The tank is from Gap, cardigan is from Express, bracelet from American Eagle, and these two necklaces were actually apart of two other layered necklaces that I no longer liked, so I seperated them with some trusty scissors and kept the pieces I liked. Crafty, huh?

The boots are knock-off Uggs. Fuggs as my hubby likes to call them (Fake Uggs = Fuggs). I got them through Groupon for $20. They are no where near the quality or comfort of the real deal, but I ain't hatin' for 20 bucks!

I know y'all may be sick of seeing the boots in, but it is OREGON!! We only get a day or two of sunny spring weather here in the Pacific Northwest, and our summers don't even get started until mid-July. Hang in there, peeps! Eventually I will pull out the cute booties and flip flops, sandals, and pumps! Until then, homegirl has got to keep her feet warm!

Have a wonderful weekend!!
Ooo... I love it.
I could never pull it off, but YOU my dear- look FAB-U-LOUS! :)
You look so cool lady. I'm loving your leopard skirt! Perfect chic combination.
<3 Marina
Super cute!
I'd kill for an H&M in Memphis.. GRRR!!! Maybe one day!
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