Monday, August 31, 2009

Dear Anonymous, **Update**

Thank you so much for your concern in my wardrobe decisions. I was not aware that Juicy Couture was only designed for 17 to 27 year-olds. Can you please forward me the official rules on age appropriate clothing and maybe suggest a brand or two that my 28 year-old self can properly wear? I sure wouldn't want to be breaking any laws of fashion.
Let's take a peek into your closet, shall we?

Don't be a hater.


** Update **

Anonymous said ...

This was my comment.
"Juicy gears for the 17-27 year old buyer. Now that you're getting older what brand are you going to collect next?"

I meant this in a nice way.:) Why did you take it soo wrong? You dress great...and you love clothes... I just thought you had another brand you were planning to collect after Juicy... I guess not! Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Geesh....

August 31, 2009 1:43 PM

April said...
Thanks Anonymous for commenting! Usually when bloggers get anon comments, it is because the person wants to take a jab at the blogger and not own up by leaving their name. I only did this in fun ... no hard feelings, honestly! I welcome any and all commenters - I am always happy to have people checking in on my blog. I appreciate you reading my blog and commenting when you do! Hey - you gave me something to write about! LOL! No hard feelings here, promise! :o)

August 31, 2009 1:52 PM

Just showing off my feisty side ... hopefully I didn't scare anyone into not commenting anymore! Ha, ha!! Anon comments are usually meant to be rude, but obviously not intended here.


Anonymous said...

i sure am glad i get to wear certain clothing for 29 more days (my 28th b-day). aren't you glad when folks drop by and impart such wisdom. :)

reminds me of one of fave quotes: "when i need your opinion, i'll give it to you."

mrs b

Unknown said...

You go girl!! :-)

Molly said...

Did this seriously happen??
You go ahead wearing juicy for just as long as you want too. You have great style!

poopsie said...

i must have missed something...what is up? and you rock anything you wear girl! you a hot momma for sure!

CAC muffin said...

hahaha love it! haters dont love
you're amazing :)

Jules said...

Good for you, girl! I wish the people that had the guts to say these things would come out of hiding.

Anonymous said...

Looks like some is a little jealous.....

Anonymous said...

This was my comment.

"Juicy gears for the 17-27 year old buyer. Now that you're getting older what brand are you going to collect next?"

I meant this in a nice way.:) Why did you take it soo wrong? You dress great...and you love clothes... I just thought you had another brand you were planning to collect after Juicy... I guess not!Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Geesh....

Unknown said...

Thanks Anonymous for commenting! Usually when bloggers get anon comments, it is because the person wants to take a jab at the blogger and not own up by leaving their name. I only did this in fun ... no hard feelings, honestly! I welcome any and all commenters - I am always happy to have people checking in on my blog. I appreciate you reading my blog and commenting when you do! Hey - you gave me something to write about! LOL! No hard feelings here, promise! :o)

Anonymous said...

I probably would have taken this comment the same way. You're right...usually when someone posts anonymously, they are complaining or being a little nasty. Glad you worked it all out :) Thanks for posting my button!

Betsy said...

Geez! If you're getting "older" that must make me geriatric!

Jodee said...

Geeze...I am totally feeling sorry for the Anono:) But, it did give me something juicy to read, before I found out she meant it in a nice way:) Have a great week girl! Now I have to go back and read the long post about shaving leg tips:)

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