Wednesday, September 9, 2009


New shows this season ... I'll be checking out the premieres. Not sure if they will spark an interest, but you never know!

Melrose Place. Tuesdays. 9pm. Starts 9/8 on CW. I didn't watch this one in it's original series, but I am really enjoying the new 90210, so why not give this one a chance?

The Vampire Diaries. Thursdays. 8pm. Starts 9/10 on CW. Being the Twilight fan that I am, why not divulge into another vampy love story?

Eastwick. Wednesdays. 10pm. Starts 9/23 on ABC. First vampires, now witches? Looking a little like Charmed, only more light-hearted maybe? To be honest, I really just wanna see one of my fave actresses, Lindsay Price. I miss her so terribly much since the oh-so-fabulous Lipstick Jungle was cancelled (yeah. I am still bitter over that one).

What new shows are you going to be checking out? Do share, I may need to tune in!!


Unknown said...

Daaaang! I meant to DVR 90210 last night! Crap. I did watch the original series back in the day and LOVED it! And I saw something yesterday that said that red headed girl, Sydney, was coming back. I wish my hair was her color.....wonder if it would look good on me?? Hmmmmm

Hannah said...

I loved Charmed, so I think I will try Eastwick...thanks for cluing me in. We DVR everything so I never watch commercials to know what is coming.

Jules said...

I watched Melrose last night and thought that it was so good. I will also be watching The Vampire Diaries and Eastwick. I'm still bitter about Lipstick Jungle too!!

Anonymous said...

I'm gearing up for the new Melrose as well...I was a big fan back in the day! My DVR is pre-set and now I only have to find the time :)

NicolaCosmeticsmile-x said...

I Tagged you For An Award,

A Fond Farewell ...

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