Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Returning Faves

Another great perk of the new season? Returning TV favorites!! So exciting!!

90210 . Tuesdays . 8pm . CW

The Hills . Tuesdays . 10pm . MTV

The Office . Thursdays . 9pm . NBC

Ghost Whisperer . Fridays . 8pm . CBS

Dollhouse . Fridays . 9pm . Fox

What are your returning faves?


Unknown said...

oooh whens 90210 back on?!


Anonymous said...

2 of my faves have already begun: Design Star and Project Runway. I also can't wait for Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Criminal Minds!

P.S. I got my Juicy in! Thanks so much!

Jules said...

I look forward to all of the fall shows coming back too! I can't wait to see Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Biggest Loser and I look forward to the premiere of the new Melrose Place!

Amy Green @ Sweet Home Amy said...

Oh I so love The Office!! Can't wait for it to start!!

Hannah said...

I only have one...NCIS...can't wait...Mark Harmon...mmmmm

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