Thursday, September 3, 2009

Word to my Mama!

Sending some birthday love to my mom-in-law!!
Mom - you are such an amazing woman. Strong, giving, loving and kind. You dedicate your world to us and are always there when we need you. You love and protect unconditionally and have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Thank you so very much for all you do and for who you are in my life. My friend, my mentor, my mom. And the most amazing Nana anyone could ever ask for!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Lots of Love Always!!


Molly said...

How sweet! It is so great to have a good relationship with the MIL.

Hannah said...

Very nice to have a great realationship with your MIL. I can't stand mine. Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet post and a great picture of you and your mom-in-law! Have a great day!

Jules said...

This is a very sweet post and it's nice that you have such a good relationship with you're mom-in-law!

Happy Birthday to her :)

amy seifert said...

very sweet...i am sure she is just as happy to have you as you are her!

Mom said...

I love you too April, you aren't my DIL you are my Daughter!! You are the best!!

Love, Mom

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