Friday, October 2, 2009

My Hours

I think I have (un)officially decided that my blog times are gonna be Mondays through Thursdays. Unless I can get enough convincing, I will just keep these days for new posts. It seems as though comments are down lately (back to school?), and almost no-one ever comments on the weekends. I get the busy-ness of weekends, so I am totally cool with that. What do you all think? Do you notice slower blog traffic on the weekends, too?


Jules said...

I agree that blog traffic is a lot slower on the weekends. I don't usually do a lot of blogging then either, unless I'm really bored.

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

Just blog when you feel like it or when you can, girly :-) It's your blog after all. I'm speaking from experience, as not all my posts get comments. I was discouraged at first, but can't really do anything about it.

Lucy Marie said...

I definitely find blog traffic is down on the weekends. We're all busy with our families! I don't post very often on the weekends either.

Unknown said...

I look forward to your blog posts, BUT I admit that it is very rare that I look on weekends.......this would be because my 2 kids make it impossible for me to get on the computer......Either my 10 year old wants on the computer OR my 2 year old is demanding my attention :-) Love your blog!

Hannah said...

not many people read my blog anyway, but I rarely have time to check on weekends either

Molly said...

I rarely read blogs over the weekend and even less often post them. I usually have a ton on Monday, but don't always get to them all. I say take the break, girl. Just take notes of the things you want to write about the next week!

Erik and Mary said...

Yes! We have been blogging for almost six years now, and it's always slower on the weekends. These days the weekends are the only time i have to get away and post... so MAYBE, only post new things on the weekends if it pertains to your weekend. If not, wait till the weekday.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I rarely have time to blog on the weekends, or comment...but I'm making an exception this morning and getting caught up :)

PS: I'm totally looking into the grocery delivery! You have know idea how happy this would make me!

Dana said...

I don't usually have time to post or read blogs on weekends. I work during the week, so weekends are pretty much family time. Unless its later in the evening and everyone is now :)

A Fond Farewell ...

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