Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Way You Love Me ...

Today, we have been married 9 years. You have been my best friend for over 11 years, and there is no where else I'd rather be. You are my world ... my everything. Thank you baby for providing such a wonderful life for me and our boys. You are the most incredible man I know and I am forever blessed to call you my man. You are my strength, you are my protector, you are my love.
Happy 9 Year Anniversary, Tim!!

{my prom '99}

{June 23, 2001}

{I dedicated this song to my hubby on our wedding day.}

x o x o


Rachel (Diary of a Recovering Chocoholic) said...


Unknown said...

Congrats! I so love all of your pictures! You were such babies when you were married... so so cute! & YOU KNOW, I love the Stars Hollow sweatshirt :)

Happy Anniversary, lady!

Moya said...

Happy anniversay April! I wish you guys many more years of happiness together:-)

TLF said...

OMG.. Is that your wedding picture? You look like a BABY!! And he looks so different with blonde hair!
Happy Anniversary to the both of you!

Emily said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!! I can't believe it's been 9 YEARS. Life needs to slow down a smidge!

Yankee Wife said...

Happy Anniversary!!! It's crazy how fast 9 years has flown by. Many, many more happy sets of 9 years worth of anniversaries to you both. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats & Happy Anniversary! =] You can totally tell the time frame you guys got married in by his hair at the wedding. =] Love the pictures!

Sasha said...

Happy Anniversary!

sprinkles said...

Happy Anniversary! You look younger in your wedding picture than you did in your prom pic! lol

Your hubby is very handsome.

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Congrats! new to your blog, love it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!

JoJo said...

Happy anniversary! Beautiful pics!

Dezzy Lou Where Are You said...

Oh my goodness- you look like a baby at your wedding! Congrats on 9 years, as a to be bride, its inspiring to see couples that set a good example =)

Jules said...

Happy Anniversary! I loved looking at all of the photos through the years.

CAC muffin said...

9 years congrats! thats awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

You do look like a baby in your wedding pic. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the anniversary!!! You're very lucky and I love all the pictures you posted!

Jodee said...

Love flashback pictures! that wedding picture you look like a little girl! Thats great cause your aging beautifully! Your one HOT MAMA! You guys are the cutest couple....Your BOTH ROCKIN IT on your 9th anniversary!!!!

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