Holy Fire, Batman! My lips are BURNING! Red, tingling, like i just poured hot sauce on an open wound! NOT liking the pain, but powering through. I am a blogger with a review to write!

I can smile again because the fire ants quit biting. The outlines of my lips are a lovely hue of blood red, and while I was not actually bleeding, my lips were throbbing a bit. And they were not that noticeably plumper. With what I had just experienced, I should have had Angelina Jolie results!
So my review is not that fabulous. In fact, it is probably pretty scary to some of you. I did not like this product, nor did my lips.
However, Too Faced Lip Injection gets high marks in the beauty world and is adored by many! Wanna try it for yourself??
I snagged up an extra Lip Injection for one of my
Be sure you are a follower to enter ... just leave a comment here on this post as to why you wanna win! Extra entries when you share my blog link with others! Giveaway will end next week and the winner will be announced here on dot...dot...dot... on Friday, May 6th!
The more you use it the less painful it is! ;) Pain is beauty!! Or vice versa lol!
i have this thing too! i know what u mean this thing burns and i can feel the edge of my lips are red n sting!
bad news that it doesnt work for me too. waste of money, i bought full price.lol
Oh ma gosh. THIS is my FAVORITE lip gloss for plumping, and I am almost out. It's tough to spend the money, but I will for that burn. =)
Gimme more!!!
Hi April!
Happy be-lated Birthday!!
I've never tried that lip gloss before. Not sure if I am brave enough... LOL but I'll leave a comment just to see if I would like it. Hope you're doing well!
Hugs & Joy, Jenni
I have tried this stuff before. I was NOT a fan. Fire ants is a pretty accurate description, I think :-)
I haven't entered any contests lately so I'm gonna enter this one.
I'm a follower. I want to try it because my upper lip is barely noticable. It's really small compared to my lower lip. I'm kinda scared of the pain but willing to risk it. At least once, anyways!
Love the purple streaks in your hair!
i used to use that stuff a few years ago. i actually LOVED the burn. felt like it was working. unfortunately (but fortunately for me) i've moved on to bigger and better lip glosses that aren't as sticky.
I wanna win because I'm brave! and i really wanna see if products like these work for sure!
katch05 at gmail dot com
*following you via GFC
i'll do anything to have fuller lips...kids always made fun of me for how small they are, LOL
thanks for the giveaway chica!
loving the purple hair! and i love your easter outfit, your husband DOES get the best gifts!!!
I am obsessed with lip plumpers!! PICK me because I will go crazy without it :) hehe xx Styleezta
Wow, I don't think I'd like to try this. lolol
lip plumping... that is definitely something I could use, I could probably deal with the burning too... but who knows... :)
Oh No...girl..it looks painful..you're lips look MUY CALIENTE!!! thx for the review and totally relate to you about testing products for our girls..sometimes they do get pretty painful and just BAD..LOL.
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