Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall Decor

So not a fan of the theme of Halloween, but I love the harvest season! Here's a few things I have come across that I would love to decorate with ....

Found Here

Found Here

Found Here


Lucy Marie said...

It's gorgeous. I love it all. That FALL sign is really unique - you don't often see pink being incorporated into harvest decor. So neat.

Betsy said...

Ohhh... I love all of these things! Bring on the cool weather!

Anonymous said...

Love them all!! I'm not a fan of Halloween decor, but I love Fall decor!

Stephanie said...

you shoudl totally check out my site! they have some great fall saying taht you can add to your wall, table, bowl anything :)


Hannah said...

That outdoor scene with the bench is really nice. Makes me want to decorate my porch

Melissa K. said...

this REALLY makes me miss fall. I miss the warm colors. Fall here in Hawaii, just looks like summer. Love the inspiration!

Jodee said...

I can't believe your not a fan of Halloween....boo hiss. Least you love the fall decor- I just mix and match mine.....I only like the cute stuff....loved that bench one!

Stephanie said...

Hey let me know if there is anything you want. I have a party closing this week and I think I have one next week also (I would also only charge you shipping once) I would pay the other shipping.

Molly said...

Love those big pumpkins in the last pic. I have already decorated for fall, and have a house full of decorations. I always buy more the day after Thanksgiving and have a treat the next year.

Jules said...

I love decorating for fall/harvest! The cute sign that you found on Etsy is perfect :)

Crissi said...

There is actually no pink in these letters, the f is decorated with ruby red glitter.I guess it's just a glare from the flash :) I'm glad you like it!

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