Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Where for art thou, Edward?

Where are all my Twilight fans?!? I am so flippin' excited for this movie!!! I keep my eye on the New Moon countdown in my sidebar and can't believe that November is almost here!! Woot Woot!! Guess what I am doing next week? A TWILIGHT GIVEAWAY!!! Oh yeah!! Be sure you follow my blog so you can enter. Spread the word!! xoxo


jennykate77 said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I'll be checking back for your Twilight giveaway!! :)

Hope you're having a great day!♥

Emily said...

It's been awhile since I've said hi on here...
I'm scared to even crack open one of those enormous books, because I'm one that won't put a book down until I'm done...if it's interesting.
I really don't need a new obsession...NO I DON'T! :) haha
I'll just keep telling myself that.

Anonymous said...

I am so EXCITED about the movie too!!! I bought my tickets a month ago at movietickets.com. YAY! I can't wait!

Nicole said...

One word. CHILLS!

Jules said...

It is finally November and the countdown has begun. I cannot wait to see this movie. I'm a huge fan and getting so excited :)

A Fond Farewell ...

Wow! Is December already upon us? Good golly this year has flown right by! I have been a busy girl lately, hence the blog break. Unfortu...