For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook (link in my sidebar), hubby surprised me with a quick 2-day trip up to Seattle for a little getaway. Nana and Papa watched the boys and we headed North for the weekend. Aaaah!

My sis-in-law and I are setting up one of these on Friday. We have one every year, usually in the beginning of June, but we have been dragging our feet. It always feels so good to purge all the stuff that piles up throughout the year, and we usually make some pretty good money.

I got a part-time job this week! Woot!! I can still be a stay-at-home momma by day, and pick up some hours a few nights a week for some extra cash. I am really looking forward to getting back out in the job world!

A friend of mine came up with the idea of coloring each other's hair to save on salon expenses. We will be getting together tonight. I can't wait to hit up the beauty supply store to pick out my new color. My hair is long overdue!!

I have been cleansing this week as well. I have been so bloated lately with all the summer heat and BBQs. It is so hard for this Italian girl to say no to food, and the scale is definitely proving that statement! It was time to get myself back in check, and with the help of Quick Trim, I did just that!

Anyone Back-to-School shopping yet? Walmart has incredible prices ... like a box of 24 Crayola Crayons for 25 cents!!! I have been collecting items here and there for my first grader. He is getting excited to start school already ... and he doesn't start until September!

And HELLO to all my new followers!! Thanks so much for finding me interesting enough to add me to your favorites! Mad props and much love to you all!!! I adore all my friends, so please don't be shy!! I love hearing from you all!!

i always dye my own hair..... so much cheaper!!! what color are you thinking?? i still need to get school supplies. My kids start in 3 weeks!! yikes!!!
No school supplies yet- thanks for the tip...
And I highlight my hair with lemon juice- hahahhahah... classy.
Love, makay
so where is your PT job at? everyone needs a lil time to do something different and add some extra flo:) Mine starts 2nd grade on Monday- still no school supplies- I best get bustin:) thanks for the remind!
Good luck at the garage sale!! My mom just had one last weekend in NY and I sadly missed it being in Texas!! Glad to have found your blog!! So fun and cute !!
so quick trim really works? details please?
OMG, I freakin' LOVE Seattle! Sooooooo jealous right now!!!
Congrats on the new job. Wish I could find one. I'm having a hard enough time getting interviews.
I'm with Dezzy Lou Where Are You, details on the Quick Trim please!
I've been meaning to have a garage sale too. I live on a busy street so I might not even have to advertise, just set stuff out.
I always do my own haircolor. I was noticing that it's time to do it again. And to get another haircut.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to color my hair.. Ugh!
yes, definitely want the scoop on quick trim... =)
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