Then I can get a pair of these ...
Unfortunately for him, no pair of Louboutin's can persuade me to let the love of my life ride around on a bike with no impact protection. Plus, it didn't help that when I was searching for a motorcycle image for this post, hundreds of horrific accident photos came flashing at me. Even if most of the gory images were photoshop'd for the web, they were enough to send me into a panic attack!
Sorry, babe - the shoes just aren't worth it. ♥
I wasn't a fan when my hubs got a motorcycle and was constantly worried every time he rode it. Of course my nightmare came true last June and I thank God every day his accident wasn't worse then it was. But here we are Feb 2011 and he just went back to light duty after Christmas, still can't walk without a limp, does physical therapy 2-3x a week and is still limited to most activities or walking long distances. Not sure when he will go back to full duty at the fire department. It's been a long road to recovery. He still has his motorcycle but it sits out at my grandparents house. He will barely look at it. I told him if he ever thinks about riding again then it has to be long after our kids are raised and grown.
Good for you putting your foot down on the motorcycle!! Even though those shoes are to die for!! :)
Almost every guy at hubby's station has one. He wanted one for a minute, but the moment passed. I'm not a fan either.
good for you! no pair of shoes his worth his safety! now that's love!!
Wise choice I'd say. I've had this discussion with my bf, and I insist it's because i dont want to see him splattered on the pavement but unfortunately i don't have the same leverage as you married folks. So I just change the subject and hope he doesn't come home with a bike someday. Anyway, this whole giveaway thing is a great way to find some fun new blogs to follower. New follower here and thanks for stopping by mine!
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