'Lipstick Jungle' Canceled
After months of speculation, it appears that 'Lipstick Jungle' has officially been canceled -- at least according to its star, Brooke Shields. "It was going to stay, and we just were officially told it's finally not coming back," she told E! in an interview late last week. "It's very sad. I think a lot of people were really sad, but I think we hung on a really long time. It was three great years that we've been working on it."
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Martini Girl
I found these cute glasses on Etsy through Hot Mama Glassware. The seller was awesome, and custom made these for me in the colors I chose. I got the pink one for myself, and the turquoise one for Am.
And this is the adorable glass I received from Am. The napkins are a perfect touch ... so fun!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Rip City, Baby!
And that is how we do it here in Portland! Hubby and I went to this game tonight and watched our bad-ass Blazers beat the Phoenix Suns 129-109. Oh yeah!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Get Your Juicy On!
For whatever reason, my email had to be saved in three seperate sections ... if you are having any issues reading it, please send me your email address and I will forward the original. Promo code for in-store use: JCTERRY. Online prices will be adjusted accordingly, no code needed at juicycouture.com
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Here's your sign ...

I may have to go buy some spring blooms to stick in the yard. I can at least pretend that we have been having gorgeous sunshine to sprout up the tulips and daffodils.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tweeting once again ...

Monday, March 23, 2009
Reader's Block

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thanks, Emily for thinking my blog is special!! Right back at ya! If you all haven't seen Em's blog yet, check it out!! Not only does she do amazing photography, but she can be found cooking up all kinds of yummies in the kitchen!
Along with the Honest Scrap award, there are a couple rules when accepting ...
A) First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 8 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
I am all about honesty ... I keep it real, people!
There's some honesty for ya! Now to pass this along to just 8 others is not do-able, since every one of the bloggers on my blogroll deserves this award. So, if you are in my side-bar list, consider this for you!! Accept it and re-post to let your readers know that I think you are awesome! :o)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Betcha Didn't Know ...

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hot Mess

To the winners of the giveaways ... I'll be shipping next week, and don't fear - items are all being kept in a germ-free, quarantined container. Promise.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
And, by the way ... you only need your ID if you are purchasing cold medications that induce sleep. No ID is required for sleeping pills themselves. (???)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Giveaways are now closed ... Drumroll, please .....
Giveaway One (Tea for Two) ... Emily @ Photos, Fingerprints, Crayons & Coffee
Giveaway Two (Lotion Set) ... Theadora @ Chalkboards & Crayons
Giveaway Three (Peach Scrubby) ... Amy @ The Seifert's Diary of Life
Giveaway Four (Mascara & Lip Care) ... Nicole @ The Springer's
Giveaway Five (Stationery set) ... Cassie @ Sassy and the Boys
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Looking for the giveaways?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Oh Miss Dora

I'm just saying.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fun night out with my man ...

I personally found it pretty hot. Ha!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
It's time for some giveaways!!
To say thanks and share some love with all my readers and friends, I have put together some giveaways - nothing big or fancy, just a few little treats! You can pick and choose which ones you like, or enter them all!
Here's how to enter:
1. You gotta follow me ... add yourself to the 'Follow Me' box on the sidebar, and leave a comment on each giveaway you are interested in.
2. For second entries, re-post this giveaway on your blog.

So, if you want 2 shots at each giveaway, then do both 1. and 2. Get it? If your blog doesn't link in the comment form, please be sure to include an email address so I can contact you if you win! Winners will be chosen on Monday, March 16th.
Thanks again girls for all the love and laughs!!
♥ ♥
Giveaway 1
Giveaway 2
Giveaway 3

Giveaway 4

Giveaway 5

Taste of Summer

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Gossip Column

Friday, March 6, 2009
Ciao Italia!

Hitting the gym ... potty training ... what a week!
And on another note, my little guy has decided to start potty training! He is 2 years, and 4 months old! I have not even started to try with him - his older brother was poop trained at 2 1/2 and completely potty trained by 3 years old. I learned with my first that you really can't pressure them ... they have to want to do it on their own. I guess I was just shocked that Sean was ready this soon. So after noticing dry diapers after shopping trips and naps for a couple days, we made a big deal about this new milestone. He picked out a new potty seat, and got some cool new Batman under-roos, and runs around the house all proud of himself! Throughout the day he does great - I don't trust public outings yet without a diaper, and he still wears one to sleep, but he is doing awesome!! I will admit though that I am already exhausted with the constant bathroom trips for the little tinkles, but hey - at least the dribbles aren't running down his legs! Ha!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Too Sweet!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Please cover up!
by The Associated Press
Tuesday March 03, 2009, 11:57 AM
OLYMPIA -- It could become illegal to discriminate against women who breast-feed in public under a bill that has passed the state House.
Women who breast-feed in public are already protected from criminal charges for public indecency. But lawmakers want to extend those protections.
Movie theaters, parks, shopping malls, concert theaters, libraries and schools are just a few examples of places where discrimination against breast-feeding mothers could be prohibited.
Supporters of the bill say breast-feeding is the healthiest way to feed young infants. They say women who breast-feed in public have been stigmatized in the past.
The bill was approved by a unanimous vote Tuesday, and now goes to the Senate.
-- The Associated Press
I have no issues with breast-feeding. I personally chose not to nurse either one of my boys, but I give kudos to those women who do nurse. I am totally fine with public breast-feeding as well. It is not uncomfortable for me to see a mom, with a baby concealed under a blanket, nursing in public. It does, however, bother the snot out of me when I see a mom walking around a store, or sitting in a restaurant with her boob hanging out of her top, baby latched on, and NO COVER-UP!! Yes, people, I have actually seen this - several times! There is nothing natural about strangers seeing your boobs and swollen nips! Have some class! Seriously! I am all about protecting women's rights with their children, but I also have the right to be in a public place with my own children and not be offended with an inappropriate visual of body parts that are supposed to be covered up!! There's nothing like turning down an aisle in a store, or eating a meal out, and running into a bare boob!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Look what I can do ...
♥ ♥ ♥
Super easy ... type the following without the spaces:
& hearts ;
Show me the ♥ by leaving me a comment! :o)
Monday, March 2, 2009
More personal things you probably don't need to know about me ...
Here are the top 5 reasons I know Miss Monthly is paying a visit:
1. I retain water like a whale.
2. I go from happy to get the hell outta my way in a matter of minutes, with no warning.
3. Patience? What's patience?
4. My Siberian Husky and I would be a great match in a hair shedding contest.
5. HUNGRY is an understatement ... I binge!
It is this time of the month when I get the motivation to hit the gym because I feel like a cow. Energy levels are sucked out of me though, so all I can do is talk about how I'll get there when this time passes. Afterall, no girl wants to get her arse kicked at the gym when she already feels like she's been sucker-punched! Hubby has been a peach at trying to motivate me (and dealing with my bad-ass attitude), so maybe I'll meet him there after he gets done with work. The boys love the kids club and would appreciate the break away from me - ha! If anything, maybe I'll just go sit in the sauna and try to de-bloat.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Latest cravings ...

A Fond Farewell ...
Wow! Is December already upon us? Good golly this year has flown right by! I have been a busy girl lately, hence the blog break. Unfortu...
This giveaway needs very little explanation, but is sure to put a smile on your face! One thing I love year round, but appreciate the most i...
Coach Coin Purse in PINK!!! I heart these coin purses, especially in fun and pretty colors! Not only do I use them for all the loose change...
Who is familiar with the BEARPAW Shoe Company? I have recently been introduced to this brand and was given the awesome opportunity to try ou...