Apparently, money doesn't grow on trees. (Sigh.)
After recently looking over our finances, the hubby has pulled in the reins and has put me on a budget. A very tight budget. It is time to start paying down what we owe and be a little more conscious with our spending habits. (Sniff, sniff.) The economy sucks right now, so no more shopping for a while. I have never cherished spare change as much as I have the last couple weeks! I am loving laundry days now ... finding coins in pockets and hoping they add up to a Grande, Non-fat, Green Tea Latte with no melon, extra matcha, add protein AND energy.
I'm really not complaining. It's a bummer being this tight, but my life is awesome! Our family is very well taken care of, we have a beautiful home, a kitchen full of food, the bills are paid every month, we have closets full of clothes, our oldest son goes to an amazing little preschool thanks to Nana and Papa, and we are all healthy and happy. So I can't go to Target every week anymore, and we can't eat out as much for a while (which is actually a good thing), but we are blessed and we are content.
Hey! Guess what we talked about tonight? Trimming down the food bill! Ha, ha! We've already decided to trim down on Christmas too : (
Hang in there! Maybe we should just trade days making dinner, and instead of going out just come over for dinner!
I think everyone is cutting back these days. We had the very same talk this weekend. We are big on eating out on the weekends and we decided just once a week we will eat out. We should share recipes!!
I feel your pain sister!
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