I'll admit it ... I have been LAZY for months. My hubby has repeatedly asked when I am going to get back to using that expensive gym membership I begged him for last year. Sigh. I lost my mojo ... not that I had a whole lot of it, but for a good 3 months, I was at the gym at least twice a week.
You are all laughing now, huh?
A couple months ago, I was passing through Barnes and Noble and a display caught my eye ... a book that was calling to me! Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. The front statement was the reason I immediately made the book mine: A no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous!
The choir was singing in my head ... aaaaaaah!! The kick-start motivation I needed to get my butt back in gear! Now I know you are all probably rolling your eyes right now ... why would I need to worry about my weight when I am already in a size 0? Reality is that even skinny people need to keep it all in check. When I gain weight (even if it is just a few pounds), it shows! And my weaker area is my stomach due to having my beautiful boys. I love those two to death, but man! I gained 85 pounds between the 2 pregnancies (and thankfully lost all of it), but anytime I gain a couple pounds, my gut thinks I am preggo again. Those size zeros aren't looking so hot when I can't get them buttoned! I have a small frame and I'm proud of it, but this girl has got to keep it all in check. Don't hate.
So back to the book ... basically it was all about becoming a vegan! Say what?!? This Italian girl ain't going to give up meat or dairy! No where on the outside covers does it show this hidden agenda. The personality of the book is entertaining - these women tell it like it is. They are smart-asses and made me laugh with their humor (if you are offended by obscene language, then please do not get this book!), but there are other ways to lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy eating meat and dairy. I won't lie ... the chapter discussing animal slaughterhouses brought me to tears. I love animals and the reality of what happens in the slaughterhouses is horrific, but I will not give up meat.
This book had some good ideas and some great information on changing eating habits and looking at different perspectives. Websites, food definitions, sample menus, and guides to making lifestyle changes are all found in this book. A straight-up, no-bull reality of changing your thought process and getting your lazy butt in gear! Now if only it wasn't all about going vegan ....
LOVE IT!! I loved Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven (for preggos)! I hear you on the vegan thing though. If that's your lifestyle GREAT! It's just not mine. :)
yeah... they lost me at no meat and no dairy. I don't think they'd approve of donettes either. That's some truth in advertising -- skinny bitches!!
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