So, here we are, married June 23, 2001. I was 20 years old, Tim was 23. We celebrated with 420 guests! We had a fun reception and were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. to 'Who Let The Dogs Out?' - oh the memories!

Now I hope I have inspired all of you to pull out your wedding pics and post a few for all to see!! :o)
First of all, you look BEAUTIFUL. Second, I am sorry that I almost didn't recognize Tim with that hair. Third, the tattoo that Tim has of you is a great one now that I have seen the pictures of your wedding...they did a great job. And last, you haven't aged at all.
Thanks for sharing!!
You were a beautiful bride!! How fun! Thanks for sharing.
Those pics are beautiful! I especially love the one of yall kissing behind the veil. Too stinkin sweet.
You totally made my day with your comments yesterday and I must say that that Craigslist post was one of the funniest things I've seen in a minute. I e-mailed the link to a few folks, so if you see increased traffic from good ole Alabama you will know why. Love you too, girl!
What a gorgeous bride! I am totally LOLing at Tim's hair! Goodness, hehe :)
Thanks for sharing, how fun!
Great pictures April!
Wish I had wedding pics, we eloped in Vegas so all i have is a polaroid!!
I just wanted to let you know that we do plan on keeping the Love Bugs cookies online through Spring.
If you want to do cookies for serving we can customize the tins and you can order lady bugs, bees, or dragonflies in quantities of 12. The cookies can also be wrapped to give as party favors. Just let us know about 3 weeks before you would like to have them delivered. (if you decide to use the cookies).
Oh and you can email me at
I could have sworn I left a comment on here yesterday, but it could also be my momheimers setting in. guys are adorable! Love the pics. No wonder your babies are so delish!
Thanks for posting, it was fun to see the pictures.
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