The first few months of my second pregnancy, I was just about convinced I was having a girl. My first trimester was way different than my first pregnancy, I had whenever sickness and would start dry-heaving at random moments throughout the day. My hypoglycemia acted up all the time, and I just wasn't sure what I was having (unlike with Maddox - I knew from the beginning I was having a boy).
To be honest, I had to convince myself that having a baby girl would be a good thing. You see, I am a simple girl. I am not high maintenance. I am easy-going, and hardly ever throw fits. As an adolescent and a teenager, I gave my parents a run for their money, and I definitely did not want a little diva running around our house! I loved my son, and had to prepare myself for ultrasound day if they announced a little girl. Hubby and I discussed names ... I liked Aubrey, he liked Taylor ... and I started searching for a nursery theme.
My friend, Betsy, is having a baby girl just a few days before my birthday this year, and talking with her as she prepares for Katie's arrival, I was reminded of the nursery set I had all picked out for my future daughter.
To my relief surprise, I was preggo with my little man, Sean. No need for this adorable Glenna Jean Jitterbug set, but I'll admit that it was fun picking it out!

What cute bedding! I can totally relate. I was so glad that LR was a boy, but now I long for some girliness in my life. Hopefully one of my little sisters will have a girl, so I can borrow her for my fix, then take her home when the diva starts to get to me.
that is exactly how I was with my second, I just knew I was having a girl! But, I shed a small tear when I found out I was having a boy- BUT so GLAD he gave me two boys! My BFF had a girl a couple months later- so it fixed my girl need:) You will have fun with Betsy and Katie:) Loved your bedding you did have picked out!!!
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