In the past couple months, I have been given 4 lovely and oh-so-sweet blog awards!! Thank you so very much for these awesome awards ... I feel so loved!! ♥
This one is from Nicola at You Can Be Gorgeous On A Budget ... to accept, I need to list 10 random things about myself, then pass this award on to 10 other fave blogs. So here goes ...
(1) I wear acrylic (solar) nails and love colored tips. (2) At 28 years old, I am now finding the need to wear make-up EVERY day. (3) I heart Nordstrom. (4) I am not too proud to admit that I am obsessed with the Twilight series, and no I am not in high school! (5) I wear 3 rings every day ... my wedding ring (duh), a silver thumb ring, and my Nelle and Lizzy ring. (6) I never remove my rings or my earrings, except for cleanings. Yes, I bathe and sleep with them on. (7) I fight Taco Bell cravings on a daily basis. (8) I am afraid to cut my hair short. (9) I tried sushi for the first time a few weeks ago, and it wasn't so bad (it was cooked). (10) I am so excited for the holidays!
I was also awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award from the (oh-so-creative herself) R. Wallis over at True Beauty...Inside and Out.
Here are 7 more randoms and 7 more deserving bloggers!!
(a) I work one day a week outside the home for my hubby's family business. (b) My awesome mom-in-law watches the boys while I work. (c) I love Vegas!! Tim and I are planning on going every year!! (d) My eyes are a light golden brown ... would that make them hazel? (e) I love to dance in the car. (f) I shower at night, rarely ever in the daytime. (g) I shop way too much. LOL!

Here are the rules for the Over the Top Award: USE ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think. Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s quite tricky to use only one-word answers! Once you have filled it out, be sure to pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers and alert them that they have been awarded!
1. Where is your cell phone? Charger
2. Your hair? Long
3. Your mother? tall
4. Your father? Italian
5. Your favorite food? Carbs
6. Your dream last night? None
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? Wealthy
9. What room are you in? Bedroom
10. Your hobby? Blogging
11. Your fear? Snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Oregon
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Fake
15. Muffins? Yum
16. Wish list item? slippers
17. Where did you grow up? California
18. Last thing you did? showered
19. What are you wearing? jammies
20. Your TV? big
21. Your pets? dog
22. Friends? Love
23. Your life? Fulfilled
24. Your mood? tired
25. Missing someone? nope
26. Vehicle? Hummer
27. Something you’re not wearing? socks
28. Your favorite store? Nordstrom
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? tonight
31. Last time you cried? hmmm
32. Your best friend? Betsy
33. One place that I go to over and over? mall
34. One person who emails me regularly? Facebook
35. Favorite place to eat? Steakhouse
Holy Cow, that was hard!!! One word answers are tough!! Good luck with this one!! No wonder Molly broke the rules (she used more than one word to play along)! LOL!!
So here's the deal on my nominations ... see all those names in my sidebar on my blogroll? Yeah. Those girls are my daily faves!! Anytime they update, I am checking out their blogs! These awards are being passed along to all of these bloggers and friends who entertain me so. Love you all!! Check out their blogs ... they rock!! :o)
Makes me giddy to know I'm one of your favorites!! Thanks for the awards!!!
Wahooo! Way to go you!
You did a good job on the one answers! :)
Congrats on all of the awards…you deserve them! We both share the same love of Nordstrom and the Twilight Saga. New Moon will be out so soon. I cannot wait! I remember the first time that I tried sushi and was pleasantly surprised. I’m glad you liked it!
That is awesome that you help out with the family business and are also able to stay home and take care of the boys. I love Vegas too and went for the first time ever last February. We’re going again this Feb.
I also am a carb lover and deathly afraid of snakes. I think we have a lot in common!
Is it really sushi if it's cooked? I caved and had Taco Bell last night.
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