Hello friends!!! It feels good to be back to blogging after my little break away. I feel refreshed, and thanks to some amazing and sweet comments, I am encouraged to continue on my merry little way here on dot...dot...dot...
The holidays went by so fast!! It's crazy to think we are in 2011 already! I am really thrilled that my new year resolutions are not revolving around my diet or weight gain issues. I've impressed myself throughout the last month by watching what I've eaten, increasing my water intake, and actually hitting up the gym a couple times a week. Yes, I work at a gym. And yes, I get free use of the club as a perk, but I am so not into strenuous activities. Breaking a sweat and feeling muscles burn is not my idea of a fun time. However, we just added 3 Zumba classes to the schedule each week. Holla!! I adore Zumba ... such a fun way to get cardio in and it can burn up to 800 calories in one class. Word!
So my resolutions this year are less depressing. Learning that I can control my bloating and energy levels through (gasp!) exercise and (gasp!) staying away from junk food no matter how badly I crave it, has been an awesome and uplifting revelation. Sad that it has taken me so long to figure this out, but whatever.
Goals this year are way funner, like finishing the Sookie Stackhouse book series. I am almost done with book number two, and I think there are 10 all together. I am going to start couponing to save $$ on our grocery bill. I won't be all crazy-psycho about it, but it will be fun to see just how much I actually save this year. Being more frugal in general is a good goal for me to have. Hubby and I were finally able to get all our credit cards paid off this last year (woop woop!!), so staying away from debt will be our main focus!
The holidays went by so fast!! It's crazy to think we are in 2011 already! I am really thrilled that my new year resolutions are not revolving around my diet or weight gain issues. I've impressed myself throughout the last month by watching what I've eaten, increasing my water intake, and actually hitting up the gym a couple times a week. Yes, I work at a gym. And yes, I get free use of the club as a perk, but I am so not into strenuous activities. Breaking a sweat and feeling muscles burn is not my idea of a fun time. However, we just added 3 Zumba classes to the schedule each week. Holla!! I adore Zumba ... such a fun way to get cardio in and it can burn up to 800 calories in one class. Word!
So my resolutions this year are less depressing. Learning that I can control my bloating and energy levels through (gasp!) exercise and (gasp!) staying away from junk food no matter how badly I crave it, has been an awesome and uplifting revelation. Sad that it has taken me so long to figure this out, but whatever.
Goals this year are way funner, like finishing the Sookie Stackhouse book series. I am almost done with book number two, and I think there are 10 all together. I am going to start couponing to save $$ on our grocery bill. I won't be all crazy-psycho about it, but it will be fun to see just how much I actually save this year. Being more frugal in general is a good goal for me to have. Hubby and I were finally able to get all our credit cards paid off this last year (woop woop!!), so staying away from debt will be our main focus!

What are some things you are looking forward to? Any resolutions you have made? 2011 should be an amazing year ... lots of things to celebrate and so much to be thankful for! Thanks so much for all your love and encouragement here on my blog, and cheers to a Happy New Year!!

I wish I worked at a gym, I think I'd be so much more motivated to do stuff! lol
But, enjoy the Sookie Stackhouse series, it is amazing!! I can't wait for another book to come out :)
I used to like hitting the gym but got bored easily. I love any kind of fitness class though, although I still haven't done zumba yet!!
I don't have many goals for this year. Just hoping to have 2 healthy babies in June...and to work on shedding the extra pounds afterwards LOL! Looking forward to being at home with all the kiddos, hopefully the transition will be smooth. And like you I am hoping to cut down our grocery bill, looking at starting to coupon as well!
only one goal...stay happy!
happy new year april..glad you decided to stay around!
I almost wish I worked at a gym, maybe it'd motivate me to actually work out once in awhile.
I'll be starting school in a couple of weeks so I'll be able to use theirs for free. Kind of thinking I might go in and talk to someone about getting a personal trainer. It'll cost me BUT it will ensure I'll HAVE to go since I don't want to waste the money I've spent and I'll have to be accountable to someone.
Went grocery shopping this afternoon and used a few coupons. I should probably use more though. I just watched a program about extreme couponing where people will buy like $200 worth of groceries and only pay like $5.63 for it after all their coupons.
Oh -- Happy New Year and I'm glad you decided to stick around!
Aww I love that you have such fun goals for this year! Sounds like 2011 is going to be so great for you! :)
Great resolutions.. Happy New Year!!
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