I work at a gym ... one night a week ... and receive the wonderful benefit of free gym membership and free tanning for me and my hubby. Woot! But I had the job for months before I actually used these perks! My lazy butt was not interested in working out ... its long and boring and takes for-evah to see results. Then, we hired on two Zumba instructors ....
Oh to the yeah!! Turn up the music and tell this girl to shake it for 60 minutes ... you won't hear me complaining! In fact, I take all 3 classes every week! (That is a lot for this couch potato.)
I have been workin' it out for about a month and a half now, and my tush is definitely tighter. Plus, my legs and thighs are stronger and firmer, my core gets worked, and it has been proven that you can burn up to 800 calories per class!! I don't have a gadget that tells me my caloric burn, but I sure do sweat!!
Zumba is fun to do alone, but even funner to do with your girlfriends! Classes are held at gyms, community centers and local YMCA's. Check into them within your area ... guaranteed you will have a blast and get a killer work out as well!!
The following is a video I snagged from You Tube ... just a sample of what a class is like. ALL fitness levels are welcome, no dance experience required! It is a monkey-see, monkey-do kinda class, and you go at your own pace.

Good for you girl! I want to buy the zumba disc for wii...cheaper than classes :)
There's a short lady in the back row wearing a white shirt and black shorts. She's kind of towards the middle on the left side. She isn't really keeping up with everyone else.
She reminds me of myself back when I was on drill team in high school. Everyone else was really great because they'd been dancing for years. I never had and was embarassed because I didn't realize how extremely uncoordinated I was.
And that humiliation is why I'll never do zumba! It looks like a lot of fun though!
Zumba is SO awesome. I actually was a dancer in HS and college and (out of shape now) my first Zumba class was such a work out it made me want to throw up lol
I want to pick it up for Wii but need to check some reviews.
And hows this, my dad is the exec director for our local Y and I've had a free membership since I was 8... I can't tell you the last time I worked out there lol but it definately was BEFORE i was married!
That looks like a blast & something I could actually enjoy...rather than just endure!
I LOVE Zumba! I take it about 3x a week also and it is so stinkin fun! I'm glad its finally breaking into the gyms and schools everywhere!
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