Even with my newest addition, I am kinda getting bored with Juicy. I just finished up my bottles of True Religion and Couture Couture. Ed Hardy's Eternal Love ( a strawberry-vanilla pudding scent ) is almost gone, but that scent lasts all of 20 minutes, even when heavily applied. So I am looking for a couple new scents that will wow me ... and have others asking what is making me smell oh-so-amazing! What are your favorites? Which scents do you recommend? I am going to write out a list of the ones y'all like, head to the mall and start sniffing. If I fall in love with your pick, I'll treat you to a coffee (sent in the form of a gift card, of course)!

Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb - a bit heavier of a perfume, The Lavanila scents, Ralph Lauren Romance, Burberry the beat. Fragrance is so individual but maybe give these a sniff...good luck with the search!
I'm not big into perfume. It's way too expensive and wears off before lunch. Total waste of money, IMO.
I tend to stick to body splashes, mists, stuff like that. Cheaper and last longer. My 2 favorite are Victoria's Secret Dream Angels Heavenly Angel Mist for only $22 and Pink With a Splash All-over Body Mist in Fruity & Bright $15 or Special 2/$22 or 3/$30. I usually get the Pink lotion in this scent as well. It smells so yummy!
most perfumes give me headaches so i can wear only a few things...but i like cherie by dior
I just got Versace Versense and am loving it. I also use Hanae Mori Butterfly quite a bit too.
My two faves are cheap compared to Juicy Couture - Ciara and Charlie. I get compliments all the time on Charlie.
Recently, I was standing in line behind some stranger at the grocery store. I told her she smelled UH-MAY-ZZZING and asked her what cologne she was wearing. It was Jadore. I haven't been able to buy any due to the whole lack of a job thing but I would totally buy some in a heartbeat if I could. And hopefully it would smell as nice on me as it did on that lady.
I'm starting college on Wednesday so I won't around to comment as much but never fear, I'll still be around!
Lolita Lempicka is lovely, you may want to give it a sniff
Also, I was browsing for gifts in Sephora and grabbed myself a tin of the solid perfume by Pacifica in Tuscan Blood Orange, I loved it (and the price tag)
I'm loving Kim Kardashian's perfume.
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