Welcome back to the Shore, bitches!!
The drama has already started ... and how could it not with Miss Thang, Sammi, struttin' around thinkin' she's all that. Ugh. Let's not waste time on her.

What do y'all think of Deena? I like the nickname Lil' Meatball ... meatballs are great in an Italian's world, so she's good in my book. Plus, she loves Cherry Vodka. We could be bff's, except for the fact that in her drunken state, she shows off her na-na.

Props to JWoww for looking so.much.better this season. I love this girl, but I hope to see less of her ta-tas. Homegirl throws a mean punch and (while I don't condone violence) Sammi definitely had it coming. I can't wait to see how that fight plays out.

And who doesn't like a little eye candy each week? As long as Pauly keeps his blow-out tight, it's all good! Anyone seen pics of him when he doesn't do his hair? No thank you.
GTL, Baby!
Thursday nights at 10pm on MTV
Being a jersey girl myself, I find myself get bitter when references from this show are made towards me since I am NOTHING like the characters on the show. I do have to give them credit for being hilarious though -- definitely an entertaining show.
I'm so excited for the new season!!
Oh Em Gee.. I can not STAND Sammie! She is such a mega bitch!! Why did she even go if she knows everyone hates her?? It was bc she's sooo afraid of what Ron will do w/ her not being there. I'd never be somewhere where it was clear I was not wanted! How uncomfortable??! And speaking of Ron, roid rage much??! He should lay off. He was a bit of a drama queen last night.
I didn't really watch the first season. I'd catch a minute or so here and there once in awhile but couldn't seem to make myself sit down and watch a full episode.
Then season 2 came along and I could.not.stop.watching! Like in a car crash kinda way where you can't help but look. I got to catch up on the first season too.
Last night I watched this and totally thought of you because I still remember that pic of Pauly you posted with his shirt off. Soooooo tasty...
I agree with PeaceLoveApplesauce - Sammie stays because she's afraid of what Ron would do if she wasn't there.
I've never seen an episode. I'm kind of ok with it.
I was glued to the tv for the premiere my boyfriend was like wtf? but anyways I could not believe the attitude Sammi had, and how Ronnie ran downstairs like an angry bul to "protect" his girlfriend, those 2 make me ill, i wish they would get fired. and i love Jwoww, but i heard she got botox restalyne and hired a stylist but, good for her.
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