Monday, October 19, 2009

Did y'all miss me?

Yep, that's me ... blogging on vacation. I so wish I could have posted more last week, but between my kiddos having high fevers for half the trip (boo!) and the sunny, hot weather (yay!), I had to step away for a bit. We spent the week in southern California, hittin' up DisneyLand for a couple days and spending the rest of our time out in the desert cities of Indio and Palm Desert. I shopped my little heart out at the Desert Hills Premium Outlets (just about any designer you can think of has an outlet store at this mecca of all outlets!!), and I soaked up all the sunshine and heat (105 degrees!!) that I could.

We ate great food (including at In-N-Out, which we don't have here in Oregon), and I loved being with my 3 boys, relaxing and having a good time. I also started (and almost finished) New Moon ... I just couldn't help myself! I was going to try to wait to see the movie first (like I did with Twilight), but I needed an Edward and Bella fix.

While I am definitely missing the sunshine, it is always good to be home! I am loving Oregon's fall weather ... so beautiful!! ♥

And now back to my regularly scheduled blogging ... Happy Monday!!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a fantastic time! OMG those outlets are definitely on my list of places to go the next time we visit our bff's out in sunny southern Cali :)

I hope your kiddos feel better!

Yankee Wife said...

Cute vacation pictures!

WSU Laura said...

Welcome back! Hope the boys are feeling better now. I love that outlet mall and can't wait to see what ya got.

Jules said...

Welcome back, friend! It looks like you had a fantastic vacation minus the boys being sick. I'm glad you got to relax, shop and continue reading the Twilight series :)

P.S. I left you an award/tag on my blog!

Molly said...

YES! I have been an absent blogger lately myself and for no good reason!
Looks like a great vacation. Glad the boys are feeling better!

Betsy said...

Looking hot Mama! I am thinking we may have the same bathing suit.:) Great minds shop alike!

Betsy said...

Well, you may shop a little more.:)
I get the live vicariously through you! Love ya!

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