Enough randoms for one blog post ... gotta love it!
My sis-in-law, Jackie, blogged about a book she had recently read and it sounded interesting.

She boosted it up as being a quick, entertaining read and let me borrow it for our trip to Canada. She didn't lie. The Covenant Child - a very good book that I highly enjoyed! It went by fast because it was simple, not drawn-out, and made you wanna find out what was going to happen next! I definitely had a hard time putting the book down, and even pushed through a sleeping pill one night to read a few extra chapters. Ha, ha! I am giving her copy back to her, but I highly recommend buying a copy to add to your collection. It was that good!
This last weekend was the famous Happy Valley Garage Sale event. Every year it grows and people from all around come out to snag incredible deals on stuff we really don't need. This year, there

were over 200 homes that participated. The neighborhood streets were packed, parking was not always fun, and it ended up down-pouring by the end of the day, BUT we did find ourselves some great deals! While I sat in the car with our 4 kiddos, my sis-in-law and mom-in-law browsed a sale. Jackie, knowing my love affair with Grenadine drink mix (you know, the cherry syrup they put in sodas and mixed drinks?) snatched up 3 wine bottle sized bottles of the stuff!! Now get this - the small bottles run about $6 in the stores. Jackie got them for 50 CENTS EACH!! Oh yeah! Apparently, the guy having the sale bought a restaurant and said they were left over. Sweet!!

There's a rumor going around that Max Factor will be removed from store shelves so that a bigger concentration can be focussed on Cover Girl. (Sigh) Sure. Take the one brand of mascara that I have fallen in love with, and make it impossible to buy. Today, I went to Walmart and picked up 2 packages of the 2000 Calorie Waterproof mascara. Seems I can only find it t

here, and for under $6 each, I gotta start stocking up.
I am going to a wedding this weekend ... wearing a cute little black dress and these oh-so-hot Simply Vera Wang purple pumps. Got them at Kohl's for 40 bucks! Woot-woot!!
My BIG Blogiversary is just a day away ... so many great items that will make you all smile and squeal with joy! Make sure you tell all your friends about it - the more, the merrier!! Add this little button on your blog, and be sure to check in bright and early on Wednesday morning!!!