Thursday, January 21, 2010

Shoe Society

Kim Kardashian has a shoe club. Oh yes. A shoe club! And of course, I had to join. Here's the deets: $39.95 a month, Kim Kardashian and her team of stylists pick out 5 pairs of shoes based on your style profile, you choose which pair you think are the hottest, and they send them to you. A new pair of shoes delivered to your door (free shipping), and yours to keep. If you don't end up loving them in person, or if they don't fit right, send them back (they give you a shipping label!) for an exchange or credit for another pair. Here's another awesome perk ... you can skip months and not be charged. Don't need a new pair of shoes every month? Opt out whenever you want. The oh-so-fly chica over at Martinis or Diaper-Genies? taught me all about this club and she stands on her toilet to model her shoes for all to see. She is awesome.
So here's my first pair of shoes ... what do you think??


Krissa said...

oh heavens...i heard about that club...and I LOVE those love someday i will loves shoes!

Jules said...

That sounds fabulous and those shoes are hot! They almost remind me on Louboutins with the red (or at least it looks like red) on the bottom.

Working Mommy said...

Um...SUPER cute!!! I really love them!


Anonymous said...

Ok, you two... I'm seriously thinking about doing this now. I just bought a similar pair except the material's different, and they're red.

Do you love yours? They look great!

Stylista Fitness said...

those are hot! what is the comfort factor?? i really want to join this club but its only in the USA!! :(

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Oh my! What an awesome idea! THose are so hawt!

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are sooo cute! Love them!

sprinkles said...

I would sooooooooooooooo join this if only I could afford the $40 a month. I really gotta find a job before thinking about luxuries like this.

I have baby feets though. I wear a size 5 and not all shoes fit the same. It's next to impossible to find pretty grown up shoes. It's nice to know you can send them back if they don't work out for you. :)

capperson said...

Oh my goodness..this sounds sooo fun and I absolutely love those shoes!!

Nicole said...

I've heard of her company before but never really knew how it worked! I'm definitely looking into this. Seems like a pretty good deal to me..

J-ezzy said...

I've been a member of the club forever now and only ordered one pair (the breast cancer one) and they were so uncomfortable I sold them to my co-worker (she has thinner feet than I do) and she's in love with them.

Do you have narrow feet and are they comfortable?


Emily said...

Sounds like a great deal. WOW!!!
Those are super cute, I used to have shoes just like that that were red.

Molly said...

That is brilliant and those shoes are amazing! Must. Join. NOW!

Amy Green @ Sweet Home Amy said...

OMG is this for REAL!?!? I need to budget $40 a month for shoes right now and join!! :) Thanks for sharing! And those shoes? Seriously soo adorable!!

G said...

oooh I love them! Great choice. Do you like them?!?

Cotton Yarn Manufacturer said...

its a beautiful lady shoes and its heel so good. thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do this too!!! So Fun!

Unknown said...

Hey girls ... I haven't been out n about wearing these yet. I wish I had places to go each weekend to get all dressed up, but this stay-at-home momma only gets dressed up once in a while. I will probably rock these for Valentine's Day this year, then I can let y'all know about the comfort level. They are probably gonna hurt like a mo' fo' - what stiletto doesn't kill your feet? Ha! They are cute though, I am loving them in my closet! :o) Thanks for all the sweet comments!! xoxo

Melissa @ So These Are My Thirties said...

Sorry to be commenting on an old post, but I'm a new follower! After seeing these fab shoes, I knew I HAD to sign up immediately. So I did! Can't wait to get my first pair - thanks for posting about this site!

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