Monday, February 8, 2010

What your momma say ...

Heard this song for the first time in Zumba last week ... dancin' around the house to it today! Go ahead now ... you know you wanna dance, too!

Be sure to enter my current giveaway ... spread the word and get extra kudos!! xoxo


sprinkles said...

Never heard this song before!

Stephanie Hartman said...

Oh I LOVE this song..

Jules said...

I love this song! I need to add this to my iPod for the gym :)

Anonymous said...

I'm loving this song too!! Its a regular on my Shred playlist....I can only take so much of Jillian's voice :)

Amber said...

This song would definitely be great to workout to!

bernthis said...

definitely a great work out song

Unknown said...

I loooove this song!!! hahaha, I need zumba in my life!

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