Miss Selena Gomez ... can't help but love this song by the Disney wizard. She is way cute, and hopefully she won't end up like another Disney gal who was spotted on TMZ grinding on a 44-year-old. Sigh.
Wow! Is December already upon us? Good golly this year has flown right by! I have been a busy girl lately, hence the blog break. Unfortu...
i hear a lot of selena around my house! my girls LOVE her!! and yes i definitely would rather have them listening and watching her than the other "pop icon/role mode" disney was trying to feed us...
I can't help it. I love this song.
I can't decide if I really like this song or not. Sometimes I hear it and I think I do and other times I just really don't.
no idea she sang this song. love the song! she's adorable, but i've never seen a worse case of lip synching in a video!!
Wow I hear this song all the time on the radio and had no idea it was Selena Gomez. Good for her! Thanks for sharing :-)
Oh, I love that song too!
She is so cute!
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