Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mini Mall Haul

I put my blinders on yesterday to steer clear from all the cute Spring styles that are popping up in my favorite stores ... boy was that tough! I kept my budget in my head though and bought myself a few goodies to hold me over for a little while. Here's what got ...
Earrings at Forever 21 ... $1.50
Seriously the cutest accessories for the cheapest prices. L.O.V.E.
Bath and Body Works mini lotions ... $6.67
The minis are all on sale right now, 3 for $10. My girlfriend and I both went in on this deal and I got Apricot Vanilla (a light and yummy scent) and Dark Kiss. Has anyone smelled Dark Kiss? Oh my! Such a sexy scent ... kinda like berries and vanilla getting it on in the dark!
MAC Lipstick in Angel ... $14.50
My absolute fave lipstick and I seemed to have misplaced the tube I had. I went over a tad bit with my budget, but this was a MUST-HAVE!!
Overall, I spent $22.67 on goodies for myself, plus I spent $4.99 on my tea. That sounds like a lot for a cup of tea, and it probably is, but the tea was a loose-leaf mix from Teavana. More on that later, plus a post dedicated to my MAC lip colors!! A morning spent at the mall with only $27.66 leaving my wallet was a pretty big accomplishment for me. Not too shabby!


A Real Housewife said...

i love the accessories at forever 21. i think i could open my own jewelry store from the loot i've bought there. ;)

sprinkles said...

I've never really shopped at Forever 21. We have them here at the mall but for some reason I just don't go in there. Will have to check them out now that I know about how cheap their jewerly/accessories are!

I love, Love, LOVE Bath & Body Works. I just got their gift card thing where you go in once a month and get a free gift. You can only get it on Thursday's though and it's only through May.

Tracy D said...

For less than $30, I think you did awesome!

Anonymous said...

Frugalista! What some great finds!

TLF said...

Dark Kiss is my fav!!! I'm also hooked on their Berry Vanilla it's my fav scent right now. I've been wearing it daily!!

Jules said...

I love MAC lipstick in Angel. It's such a pretty nude pink. Good job on leaving the wallet at home. I love B&BW signature vanillas.

Amber said...

Love those earrings! Forever 21 is my fave! :))

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about all the cute spring stuff that is popping up...
Both of those scents from Bath and Body sound really yummy...never heard of either.
Unfortunately, my ears have expensive taste...they blow up and get all red if I wear anything other than Sterling Silver or Gold. Otherwise, I might be more into accessories...
But, wow, you did good April, way to go!

A Fond Farewell ...

Wow! Is December already upon us? Good golly this year has flown right by! I have been a busy girl lately, hence the blog break. Unfortu...