Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nelle & Lizzy

Remember this? I absolutely loved this little ring the second I saw it on a blog a while back. I drooled over it, scoured the internet for coupon codes, and visited the site several times hoping for a nice little promotion. I even entered in all my details and saved it in my shopping cart a dozen times, but never brave enough to click 'order'. I couldn't justify spending $72 on a ring plus shipping. Bigger purchases scare me ... I can spend $20 here and $15 there, but tell me something is over $40 and I have to think about it for a little bit. I was just determined to wait for a discount on this one - I even joined their Facebook page looking to snag a break.

A few weeks ago, I received an email from Nelle & Lizzy ... they had noticed that I had a pending shopping cart and wanted to send along a limited-time offer for a 10% discount!! Oh the excitement!! I ordered my ring within seconds of the email and just received it this last week! Wrapped in a cute little box filled with dried lavender, my oh-so-cute double ring with my boys' names ... it fits perfectly (definitely have your finger sized before ordering - any jewelry store will do it for you free of charge), and my little guys think it is pretty darn cool that their names are on mommy's ring.


Sassy Cass said...

That is just too cute!

Jen Jen said...

So cute.I think I might need one. LOL

Jodee said...

I love them! So adorably cute! I am the sameway with money...I think about it and think about it! Glad you waited on it- so you could get the discount!

Anonymous said...

Do you mind sharing that promo code? I'd like to place an order myself. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Their promo codes expire rather quickly, but if you go to their site and add what you want in your shopping cart (be sure to register), give it a couple weeks without purchasing (but leaving your item in your cart), they will probably contact you via email with your own promo code. Give it a try .... or just contact them and see if they can offer you something. Good luck!! :o)

Unknown said...

Their promo codes expire rather quickly, but if you go to their site and add what you want in your shopping cart (be sure to register), give it a couple weeks without purchasing (but leaving your item in your cart), they will probably contact you via email with your own promo code. Give it a try .... or just contact them and see if they can offer you something. Good luck!! :o)

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