Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Team Edward

Holy Hotness!! I saw New Moon TWICE in its opening weekend, and I will probably see it a few more times before I own it on DVD.
You all read my title correctly ... I am in love with that vampire. There are a lot of you who are all for the sexy werewolf Jacob (yes, he is gorgeous), but I am a traditional girl like Bella and my heart will always belong to one man.
Yes, Edward left Bella (only to try to protect her!), and yes, Jacob kept her safe while he was away (what a guy!), but I heart that Bella is loyal to her one true love (no rock hard abs and chiseled bod can change her mind!).
I cannot wait to dive into Eclipse ... I was trying not to get ahead of the movies, but I am too weak. I'll be reading Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, then starting the series all over again. I am a sucker for a good love story.
The Eclipse countdown is now at the bottom of my blog (woot woot!!) and I am leaving you with some pics to drool over. What did you all think of the movie??


Nicole said...

I felt like a complete dork, but I saw it twice too! I drug my hubby the 2nd time..I think he's a little jealous of Edward. ;) I would see it over and over again if I could. :) I'm re-reading Eclipse now. I've never been one to re-read books, but what the heck is it about Twilight!? Seriously, I feel like a teenager with a HUGE crush. I too am in love with Edward. (swoon) Have you checked out www.twilightmoms.com?

Unknown said...

My hubby took me to the midnight showing, then I went with my mom-in-law the very next day. It is definitely crazy that I got so sucked in, but what-ev! Ain't no shame!! LOL!! I am going to check out that site now ... thanks!!

Courtney said...

I've not read the books and probably won't, but I must say after seeing New Moon, I'm hooked! Twilight was okay, but I was impressed with how New Moon exceeded my expectations. I'm with you, can't wait for Eclipse either!

Dezzy Lou Where Are You said...

I loved New Moon and I am also Team Edward!!! Love me some vamps!

Anonymous said...

100% Edward....WOW! Wikipedia should have Edward Cullen as the definition of Sexy! He glitters and he's lethal.....that equals one sexy combo. I'm headed to see it tomorrow night and I can't wait!!!

You are going to LOVE Eclipse and Breaking Dawn...everyone says Eclipse was their favorite, but I am a HUGE fan of Breaking Dawn just because it wraps up the story soooooooo good! I won't spoil it for you though....they are both fantastic!

Melissa K. said...

I LOVED it. I went to the midnight showing with my step-daughter, and then went again on Saturday with my husband. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Edward.

Melissa K. said...

I LOVED it. I went to the midnight showing with my step-daughter, and then went again on Saturday with my husband. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Edward.

Jules said...

Girl, I am on the same page as you! I’m Team Edward all the way and saw it twice too (once with Geof and once with my girlfriends). It was so awesome and I cannot wait for Eclipse. I think that you will really love the next 2 books. I'm thinking of re-reading them too.

Hissyfits & Halos said...

We took our 3 girls on Friday after school. It was a blast! I'm a loyal Team Edward Mom! ;) Jacob, although he's some kind of hot little jail-bait, is over stepping. Borderline homewrecker!(in the books, now!) I've tried to teach my girls about the girl code, where you don't date your friends crush or date a 'taken' man. Jacob crushin' on Bella is one of those "tsk, tsk" moments. :) I loved when Bella said, "It's always been him." The whole theatre cheered! It was one of my all time faves. But, Breaking Dawn was the best of the series, by far.

Brandi said...

The movie was Amazing. I ready to see it again and I can not wait for Eclipse (it was my favorite book). I love Edward but Jacob is just so gosh darn hot! I love Edward for Bella but I will take Jacob.

Adie said...

I am the odd one .. I am Team Jacob. I seen the movie, I cried. I cant wait to watch it again and cant wait for the DVD.
Eclipse should be great and I really hope they do Breaking Dawn into 2 movies!

sprinkles said...

Haven't seen it and don't really have a desire to but I must admit that Edward is very good looking!

Anonymous said...

I almost switched teams for the abs, but remain an Edward girl.

A Fond Farewell ...

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