Friday, April 23, 2010

Fashion Friday - Oh So Juicy

A few of my Juicy Couture hoodies ... I heart them.

Black Cross Tee .. Guess Outlet

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will be celebrating my 29th birthday .. woot!

Be sure to check in on Monday for my Spring Fling Giveaway Event!

Fashion Fridays by:

Le Musings of Moi


Unknown said...

Enjoy your bday weekend!!!! Love your pics, April!!!! I don't own any Juicy items despite the Juicy store at Tysons Mall and the Juicy outlet at my So, tell me, are they comfortable?

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.

Nana B said...

Hope you have a birthday blast!! Happy 29th Birthday April, I love you! Mom

Jules said...

I really like that first hoodie. The color looks great on you!

I hope that you have a great time celebrating your birthday this weekend!

Summer said...

so juicy! lol!

I could LIVE and DIE in my hoodies....and these are super cute!

sprinkles said...

Happy Birthday a few days early! My father's b-day is the same day. He'll be 68! I finally figured out what to get him as a gift.

Anonymous said...

You look as cute as ever! I love JC hoodies cute and comfy.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to send happy birthday wishes!!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend of celebrating!

Molly said...

You and your Juicy! Love it!

Happy Belated birthday! Sorry I missed it!

Ann said...

I hope you had a fantastic birthday weekend!

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