Aaah ... summertime! I am trying to wait patiently for the sun to come out and stay a while, but all this rain and coldness is bumming me out!
Donkey's idea (and the way he says it) is sure putting a smile on my face and has inspired me to try out my very first swap!! A little something to help these wet days pass by quickly and get y'all excited for the sunshine! I was thinking a flip flop swap would be fun, then I thought summer accessories would be great, too! Then I remembered the awesome summer swap I participated in last year and got all kinds of fun goodies to last me throughout the summer.

So now I need ideas - would anyone be interested in participating in a swap here on dot...dot...dot...? I was thinking a $25 limit so it doesn't break the bank. What should the theme be? I will leave this up for comments for a day or two, let me know what you think!
hmmm...I'm not sure of a theme, but that would be so much fun! I would definitely play along
Love it! Theme? I am terrible at those!
I'd definitely be interested!
what about a summer essentials kit...what you must have to get through the summer...????
just a thought :)
I'm in :d
im in!! maybe do a theme of your favorite things, so eache person will send the other person some of their favorite things, such as a mag. w/some nailpolish, mascara or favorite flipflops etc... just an idea!
Hmmmm....I might do it if it was something specific, like flip-flops. Sounds fun!
That sounds fun! What a great way to bring us all together, too!
I've participated in swaps in the past and got some really great things! I would totally participate if only I had a job and could actually afford to go out and buy stuff. Boo, stupid economy!
I would totally be in!
Theme.. Hmm.. I'm liking the flip flops, accessories, all things girly theme!
Love the idea - especially a theme. So here's mine. The items must be purchased off of Etsy, or Etsy-Like in style. For instance, handpainted martini/wine glasses, summer totes, jewelry, personalized notecards, summertime sign etc.
So the idea is the main item Etsy-like then if you wanted accessories you could find those elsewhere. Just a thought :)
It sounds like a total blast!
That was my favorite line from the movie too. Ha!
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