Monday, January 10, 2011

Get your shop on ...

I heart accessories! Adding pieces of jewelry or a headband to complete a look is always so much fun, however I am HORRIBLE at shopping them out!! I can't tell you how many times I have been to the mall for the sole purpose of finding new additions to add to my collection, only to leave without a single find. It's not like there aren't any cute items - there are lots - I just can't seem to be able to picture myself wearing something outside of my 2 favorite pairs of hoop earrings and an American Eagle chain with pendant that I have had for years.
To help with my issue, I was thinking about hosting an accessories swap ... nothing too spendy (maybe a $15 budget??), just a fun way to exchange goodies. What are your thoughts? If enough are interested, I will post a separate announcement with all the details.
Here are a few faves I browsed online ...

Nordstrom .. $28

Forever 21 .. $5.80

Forever 21 .. $9.80

Forever 21 .. $5.80

Etsy .. $13

Claire's .. $8.50

Claire's .. $6.50


Anonymous said...

I'd totally be in! I've been shopping lots at this new discount accessories store we got in our local mall... Lots of CUTE wearable stuff, for a very good price! :)

TLF said...

Do you have a Charming Charlie's near you? You'd love it!!

PS. I'm totally down for an accessory swap!!

Jen said...

I am in for sure! I'll share this with my friends and blogosphere buds tomorrow too and see if any of them are interested. SO FUN April! Its ideas like this that make me love your blog. :)

Elle Sees said...

super cute idea.

Anonymous said...

this could be fun!!!

sprinkles said...

You know, I go to look at accessories and can't picture myself wearing them. I'll look at them and think I don't like them. But then I'll see someone wearing them and I realize that I really DO like them!

Claudia said...

this is a great idea, I notoriously under-accesorize, its so boring... count me in, I could use something different.

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