Tuesday, January 4, 2011

You had me at free !!

Zoya reached their goal on Facebook, and is offering 3 FREE nail polishes of your choice when you use the code FB2011 at checkout! All you gotta pay is shipping. Hurry ... this offer is only good until January 7th! These are the colors I picked ... which ones will you be ordering?


Cheryl said...

Thanks for the heads up!! I bought Reece, Kate and Mia!

TLF said...

Awesome.. Thanks!!

Candice said...

Thanks for the awesome suggestion, I have been needing new polish and this is the perfect way to get it!! I went with Aria, Bridgit and Isla (a little variety:)!!!

sprinkles said...

Awesome choices!

I tried to go on the website earlier for my choices but it locked my computer up. I think it was just busy with all those other people trying to order.

Anonymous said...

After trying for a few hours I finally got on last night! I ordered some bright, funky colors ~ Midori, Julieanne, Crystal!

I can't wait to get em! :)

Emily said...

Hey April!!!
Wow what a find!

I got Kierra,(dark purple) Gabrielle (Orange) and Beyonnce (shimmering Rosy color)

Jen said...

I've been shopping all of Zoya's colors the past couple of days and FINALLY narrowed it down to 3: Pasha, Indigo, and Loredana.

I had no idea that Zoya polishes were natural/vegan friendly! Thanks for such a great find April!


Sasha said...

Too funny- I got Julieanne and Cheryl too! I already have Yasmeen, so I got Valerie.... We have the same tastes it looks like!

Unknown said...

I just got mine today!!! Yay...can't wait to start painting!!

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