Pureology SuperSmooth Hair Care System ... I use this formula to maintain my hair color and because it has a thermal anti-fade complex to help protect my hair from the heating tools I use. I dye my hair (all over color) black every 5-6 weeks. It is not my natural hair color, but I prefer the richer color with my skin tones. Grow-out can be annoying, but because I get my color at a local beauty supply shop, the cost is low to maintain. When I had my purple extensions put in, the stylist recommended Pureology products to keep my color from fading and to better nourish my hair. I had used this line in the past, but quit using it due to the cost - the shampoo and conditioner runs $20 - $30 for standard size bottles. Being I am doing so much to my hair right now, and because my extensions require a flat iron daily, I opted to go back to Pureology for a while.
I do not use any styling products after I wash and condition, so I am not sure how this brand's other products line up, but I do like the Pureology formulas. Antioxidents and natural ingredients make this line stand out above the rest. The SuperSmooth formula I currently use is made up of Camellia and Sesame Oils, organic Shea Butter and Geranium, all aiding in keeping my hair frizz-free and shiny while maintaining the moisture.

I am loving my new extensions! The purple ones are bonded to my own hair with a glue and my 2 feathers (white and teal) are attached with a bead. When my hair is down, the purple is very subtle and peeks through. Pulling my hair half up reveals more color and allows the feathers to be seen. The extensions should last about 5 months, or until they grow out enough for me to want to remove them.
...What are your favorite hair care products?...
Great review doll. I never used this brand before because of the price but I just may give them a shot since I already spend a lot of money on styling products already why not just use shampoo/conditioner right?..
Loving your extension..so fab girl.
I am a Pureology girl too, it has been my favorite for years! Love the feathers and highlights!!!
Loving your extensions!!
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