And the winners are ... (based on good old random.org)
Original Juicy - Jackie at Babies...Belly Laughs and Bare Feet
Viva La Juicy - C at Wedded Whims
(I'll need your address, girlie to ship off your goodies! Email me at aprilbaker23@yahoo.com)
I made sure I kept tally of referrals and re-posts. Thanks so much to all who participated!! Bummed you didn't win? Keep checking back for another awesome giveaway I will be doing soon for the new Ed Hardy scent ... so yummy!! :o)
Cheese! Here I am!
I got my hair done the other night ... and I chickened out on anything fun and out of the ordinary. No purple streak. Just a shade darker than my own, evened out the color, and added some long layers. Can't really tell I did anything at all, except that now I don't have an orange grow-out. For whatever reason, my hair turns a brassy orange at the roots when it grows out. And yes ... that is a dye line on my forehead ... sigh. Nothing like walking around with a brown streak across my head. Oy. At least is is close to the hairline.
Let's see who else is Keepin' It Real ... I tag:
Ang ... The Creative Mama
Cassie ... Sassy and the Boys
Jodee ... The Pinkston Family
Annie ... This Momma's Musings
Holly ... Multi-Slacking Mamalicious
Amy ... The Seifert's Diary of Life
Have fun, girls!!
The Acai berry alone is not a cure-all for health related issues; it is however, highly effective in stimulating the body to achieve health goals. Acai should be the key element you are looking for, veering away from added fillers, binders, syrups, caffeine and artificial sweeteners. A liquid form is accepted into your system immediately. Capsules and pills often contain multiple binders and fillers, and nutrients are destroyed in the processing. I have used MonaVie and highly recommend it. The only downfall is that Acai products can be spendy. Being that these little berries are only found in remote areas and are highly perishable, the price goes with the availability. Be sure to do your research before buying into any particular brand of product. Product reviews are found all over the internet.
How does it taste? Acai is a bit tart - like blueberries or cranberries, in my opinion. When mixed with other fruits in juices, it is fine. Alone (like MonaVie), you only need a shot glass full a day, so it is worth the bitterness.
Wow! Is December already upon us? Good golly this year has flown right by! I have been a busy girl lately, hence the blog break. Unfortu...