Our family has a beach house out on the Oregon Coast. We love going out there and spending time together, but I don't think there is ever a time we visit that the threat of a tsunami doesn't cross my mind. Thankfully our house isn't directly on the beach, or I wouldn't be able to sleep at night!
People chuckle when I tell them of my concern, but look what I came across the other day browsing the internet (and no, I was not searching for tsunami articles). Oregon was once hit by a tsunami, and this article is reporting that the west coast could experience another one in the future, and even bigger than the one in 1964!!!
I don't now about you all, but the ocean sneaking up on me is not my idea of fun. I'm just sayin.
People chuckle when I tell them of my concern, but look what I came across the other day browsing the internet (and no, I was not searching for tsunami articles). Oregon was once hit by a tsunami, and this article is reporting that the west coast could experience another one in the future, and even bigger than the one in 1964!!!
I don't now about you all, but the ocean sneaking up on me is not my idea of fun. I'm just sayin.
I agree - not my idea of fun either.
Tsunamis and earthquakes scare me to death! We have head a few earthquakes since we moved here and everytime I go directly into panic mode. At least tsunamis are very rare...your fears are still not unfounded! I grew up around hurricanes and went to the beach with the fam to watch them as they came in. Why they don't scare me, I have no idea.
And it definitely doesn't help when you are driving into town and see all the Tsunami escape route signs. I always worry when we are down at Ocean Shores camping.
i am a worry wart but i have never though it this. now, i will be thinking about it.
I worry a lot too. I worry about earthquakes all the time, because I live in California. Tsunamis are scary! :-/
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