Kyron Hormon disappeared from his school on June 4th and still hasn't been found. This little boy's unfortunate and devastating story hits very close to home. He was dropped off at school in the morning and was reported absent by his teacher. He is 7 years old. My heart aches and I have actually cried for this child to be found. I pray for him daily.
I am posting this in hopes of bringing this little guy home. If by random chance you see him, PLEASE call 911. Any other information can be reported to the tip line at 503-261-2847.
I am posting this in hopes of bringing this little guy home. If by random chance you see him, PLEASE call 911. Any other information can be reported to the tip line at 503-261-2847.
Thank you.

Aww this is so sad, my thoughts & prayers are with his family, hope he comes home safe soon xx
I remember hearing about this on the news. It really upset me and I haven't heard anything since. Has he been found? My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. :'o(
I have been praying for that little boy and his family, hits so close to home....I can only imagine the fear of the unknown for his parents...I get so angry at schools sometimes when they are just so free about anybody coming on grouds....Sometimes I wish school was like a prison for the day...I pray for that boy, Jesus will take care of all his pain in the end. I know I watch Jake like a hawk...and think how I over protect him, specially stuff I did at age 7 by myself...like they cant have any independence growing up anymore!
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