I love me some "reality" tv! The glamour, the drama ... the entertainment is endless!
The Real Housewives of Orange County are back. Tamra has gone off the deep end ... she is totally making herself look like an idiot in her new-found freedom. She is annoying. It will be interesting to see where her relationship with her new gal-pal Fernanda goes. Gretchen needs to lighten up a bit and try to let go of the past ... move on girlfriend and show all your haters that you are better than that! Vicki is still doing her thang ... her career is still the love of her life. Poor Donn. Alexis is probably my fave housewife. She is pretty chill and seems to be a good momma. Plus, she is gorgeous! Girlfriend definitely loves her Botox (ain't.no.shame.), but is an inspiration in the looks department. I don't know what to think of Peggy yet, but I want her Hummer H2.

I always get sucked in to The Real World ... MTV knows how to entertain! The newest housemates are staying at the Hard Rock in Vegas. Hubby and I can't figure out why the guys always bring home the ugly girls?!? You would think that with MTV camera crews following them around making them look like supa-stars, they could pick up hotter chicks. Dustin and Heather are a cute little pair, but Dustin's past career choice is ... ewww!! Nany and Adam are bound to hook up ... just wait for it. And poor Michael is so outta his element. He is a good little boy trying to figure out Sin City. That should get interesting.
What smut TV are you watching?
(Sigh) Girl love me some of these no calories "guilty-pleasures" I been a follower of the Real Housewives of OC since 1st season and totally agreed with you about Tamra! Don't know about Gretchen she's really annoying to me! anyway great post!! and let's enjoy our Reality TV!!
I can't stop watching the real world... even tho I'm 30, married and a mom lol I've watched since season 1 so I'm not about to stop now, tho these new seasons suck in comparison to the older ones
I'm a new Real Housewives fan too... Love LOVE LOVE New Jersey!
i am loving both of those shows as well!!
I love RHOBH!!
I agree with everything you said.
Don & Vicki are no longer together, I guess that'll come later in the season. They've already filed for divorce and everything. Sads!
You can def tell Tamra didn't come from money.. her and her white trash roots! She was a stripper before, well I read online anyway.
I love all the Real Housewives but we get them so much later in Canada than you do in the States..tres annoying. Right now we are watching RHOA..which isn't one of my favourites. Also big Top Chef, Amazing Race fan & sadly got sucked into the Bachelor this year *cringe*
I am watching OC housewives also (have been since season 1) and am also watching Miami...even though I am not really digging it. BH and NJ are my other two faves. Being prego and having a little more down time these days I have been DVR'ing all kinds of trashy tv.
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