I was mixing hair dye one night and got a glob of the dye on my favorite jeans. I just about had a heart attack. After pre-treating them and washing them, it was obvious that black hair dye was not going to come out. Instead of tossing them, I decided I was going to distress them. What did I have to lose, right? Here's how I did it and how they turned out ...
First up, I had to try to lighten the stain, so I used a Clorox Bleach pen and layered on the bleach gel. I let the bleach sit for about 20 minutes, then washed and dried as usual.

Next up, I went into our garage to find some sandpaper. No such luck, but I came across this steel-bristled brush. This was definitely rough enough to tear into denim. I then slid a small cutting board into the pant leg of my jeans (to prevent distressing of the back side of the pants), and went to town grinding and rubbing the steel brush on top of the now bleached stain. This took a little while ... apparently denim is actually a tough fabric. Ha ha!

Eventually, I rubbed a couple holes into my jeans and seperated the fabric enough to achieve the desired look.

This look was great for the first few times I wore my jeans. Unfortunately, the holes I created stretched and merged, so now I have one big hole ... too big for my liking (you'll see it in Friday's fashion post). So, I think I am going to get a patch to put under the hole. If I ever distress jeans again, I will be sure to create only 1 small hole, so that the ripping and shredding will happen more gradual. Bottom line, I am glad I saved my jeans from being sent to Goodwill.
Awesome job salvaging your jeans! I recently spilled a gallon of paint on my most favorite jeans and my beloved Uggs... I was able to save my jeans but my Uggs ended up in the trash can, sad day :(
Sew some pretty fabric into your jeans! =)
Cute idea, Terri! Thanks!!
Candice ... I would cry if I had to throw out Uggs ... poor girl!!
I've done mine with sandpaper before. It works wonderfully.
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