Sunday, March 8, 2009

Giveaway 2

A fun little set - Boots Fresh body wash, lotion, and lip gloss in yummy chocolate and strawberry scents, wrapped up in a cute polka dot bag.


Jennifer said...

I LOVE the polka dot bag:) I was looking at your strawberry shortcake post and want you to do one of those as a giveaway:) I'm making that this week darn it!

Sassy Cass said...


Anonymous said...

Strawberries and Chocolate you can't get any better than that!!!
I am in!!!

poopsie said...

me me me please! i am a follower and reposted your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Scrumptious!!! This is right up my alley!! Love it!

Anonymous said...


A Fond Farewell ...

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